

Meet Sarah, our Welfare officer!

Sarah is here for all of our members including gymnasts, parents and coaches. She is on hand to help and discuss with you any safeguarding or welfare worries or concerns you may have.

Sarah is currently a teaching assistant at a local primary school on the SEND team and is also a “gym mum”. Due to her knowledge and experience within the welfare sector, she has undertaken the relevant courses to become the Welfare Officer for TJ Gymnastics and can’t wait to get started!

Should you wish to get in touch with Sarah, here are her details:

Phone: 07494575605
Email: welfare@tjgymnasticsboston.co.uk

Regional Welfare Officers

If you have any worry or concern that you feel you cannot discuss with Sarah, or the TJ Staff you can contact our Regional Welfare officers or British Gymnastics directly.

Linda Thompson


Jennifer Harris


British Gymnastics

0345 1297129

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