Become a Young Leader

Welcome to TJ Gymnastics Academy Young Leader programme for ages 11-16! We love to watch our Young Leaders learn, develop and grow in confidence and eventually gain their Level 1 Gymnastics Qualification in the future!

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What is the Young Leader Programme?

The Young Leader Programme is an official British Gymnastics programme, that has been designed to create a structure which young people can follow to help them develop as leaders within gymnastics environments. The programme is structured, yet flexible in that it can be adapted to suit the needs of individuals and different environments. There are awards, rewards and recognition available at various stages of completion to encourage the leaders to continue to develop.

There is a cost of £32.50 to enroll onto the Young Leader programme which covers the cost of the TJ Booklet and TJ Young Leader T-Shirt which you will wear when actively in your Young Leader role. 

To ensure it is for you, you can come along to the introduction session first,  and attend 2 x coaching sessions in the gym before you commit to the £32.50 enrollment fee.


– Age 11-16 (10 year Olds who are Age 11 before the end of Feb 2023 can register now too) 
– No other requirements or qualifications needed. 
– You do not have to be a TJ Gymnast currently to join

Yes! – When we think you are ready, there are multiple Young Leader courses available. Then eventually when you are ready and of the eligible age you will be able to enroll onto your Level 1 Gymnastics Qualification! 

– You will need to be able to commit to evenings and/or weekends 
– You need to love working with children, and be interested in developing their gymnastics skills so they progress 
– You will be required to physically support children’s gymnastics skills (independently once qualified a Level 1) 
– You will be required to assist moving large equipment and apparatus 
– You will be required to physically support children stood on raised platforms (independently once qualified a Level 1)

The more time you spend coaching the more you are going to learn at a faster pace. However, we would only ask for 2 hours per week minimum, and to attend our Young Leader training days which are scheduled in advance.

Once we have received all applications we will let you know when your first introduction session will be. Depending on the age range we may run 2 separate sessions to cater for younger and older young leaders. Your first session will be theory based. If you are not sure it is for you, you can come along to the introduction sessions first, then a couple of training sessions in the gym before you commit to the £32.50 enrolment fee. 

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